Saturday 30 July 2016

“These are a few of my favourite things…”

The Sound of Music is a classic and one of my favourite films of all times! The simple mix of romantic storylines set against a backdrop of Nazi invasion across Europe, mixed effortlessly with beautiful melodies makes it impossible not to enjoy. So, going against my recent blog posts which attempt to combine new flavours and textures, I’m taking my cooking back to its humble roots and presenting a recipe of every-day ingredients that my family loves to eat – hope you enjoy.

To make the bases for this pizza, please click here.


180g of garlic and herb soft cheese
1 leek
300g of mushrooms
6 rashers of bacon

1.      As the bases come to the end of their time proving, the bacon and veg can be prepared. Start of by cleaning the mushrooms, chopping them finely. Wash the leek, and again, slice into small pieces.
2.      Under a grill – or however you prefer to cook your bacon – let the rashers turn a delicious sizzling deep pink. Leave to cool slightly so these can be cut into small strips – I find scissors work best!
3.      When the bases have finished proving, take them out.
4.      As the oven warms up to 210°C, spread the soft cheese over the bases – a nice change from tomato I’ve found!
5.      Next add the bacon, followed by the mushrooms and leek.
6.      Bake in the oven for 10 minutes before enjoying!
7.      Buon appetito!

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