Sunday 17 July 2016

Pesto Pizza

Pesto. Food of the Gods. I love the stuff! So much so that pesto pasta has become one of my all-time favourite dishes and is probably the one I’m best known for making (aside from pizzas of course!). The ease and simplicity combined with its deliciousness mean I make it at least once a fortnight. It goes in sandwiches, pastry tarts, salads, you name it! Which got me thinking… high time it went on one of my pizzas!

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

To make the pesto:
In a food processor, blitz together 150ml olive oil, 50g parmesan cheese, 50g pine nuts and a handful of basil leaves – it couldn’t be simpler! Then again, supermarket jars of the stuff run a pretty close second…

Other ingredients:
6tbsp tomato purée
200g chicken strips
260g green beans
20 cherry tomatoes

  1. Towards the end of the proving time for the bases, fry the chicken until cooked. Discard the ends of the green beans and cut the veg into smaller, more bitesize pieces. Boil these until tender.
  2. When the bases have finished, take them out and turn the oven up to 210°C.
  3. Top the bases with the tomato purée, adding the chicken and beans.
  4. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and pop these on top also so that they become nicely roasted in the oven.
  5. Bake the pizzas for 10 minutes.
  6. Before serving spatter over your (hopefully homemade!) pesto as the crowning glory!
  7. Buon appetito!

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