Thursday 23 February 2017

For Grandpa :)

I’ll always have fond memories of my Grandpa. He was one of the cleverest people I will ever come across, and yet he was practical too. Good with his hands, he was always making something – or making me laugh with one of his practical jokes! Most men as they age slow down. Not Grandpa though – if his driving was anything to go by, he was definitely speeding up! I often think about going up to Norfolk to visit him and Grandma in their little bungalow, welcomed by the staple first night meal of crab and spaghetti followed by orange jelly for desert. So this one’s just for Grandpa and all the childhood fun we had together J

To make the base for this pizza recipe, please click here.


180g cream cheese
1x 170g tin of white crab meat
1x orange, peeled and cut into segments
125g asparagus
Dusting of chilli flakes

  1. When the bases have finished proving in the oven, remove and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  2. Snap the end off of the asparagus and cut them into smaller, more bitesize pieces. Boil in a pan until tender and drain.
  3. Spread the cream cheese over the bases.
  4. Drain the crab meat from the tin and add this to the bases as well.
  5. Peel and segment the orange and place the pieces on top, followed by the asparagus.
  6. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  7. As an optional extra, dust with chilli flakes before serving.
  8. Buon appetito!

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