Friday 17 February 2017

91 years young!

Hopefully I’ve inherited my grandma’s longevity genes – this week she turns 91! For the past 10 years, since my grandpa passed away, she’s been living at home with us. It wasn’t until very recently that she had to be moved into a home permanently. Before this happened though, I would quite often make her tea for her – creature of habits that we are, this never strayed too far from a ham/cheese and pickle sandwich and a (rather large) slice of cake... When you reach your tenth decade though who really cares about calorie counting?! ;) so this pizza is for you Olive – or Fanny Adams as you are affectionately known in our household J

To make the bases for this pizza, please click here.


6 tbsp of tomato purée
Strips of wafer-thin ham
100g cheddar cheese, grated
2 handfuls of pitted, green olives (or whichever variety you prefer)
Dollops of sandwich pickle

  1. When the bases have finished proving, remove them from the oven and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  2. This pizza is as easy as making a sandwich. Simply spread over the tomato purée and lay over the strips of ham until covered. Cover with the grated cheddar cheese.
  3. Dot over the olives and dollop on the pickle.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. Buon appetito!... and if you’re anything like my grandma, finish with a big slice of cake for dessert!

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