Friday 27 January 2017

London 2012 Pizza!

The summer of 2012 was very special for me and for one reason in particular – the Olympics came to London. I’ve recently been thinking back on my time as a volunteer Games Maker as this weekend, I met up with a few of my old colleagues who were also there. We reminisced about our fond memories for the Paralympics where for 2 weeks; we got to be part of an amazing atmosphere in the greatest city on Earth! It was also where I would meet my future husband J also a fellow Games Maker; we were clearly very attractive in our Orange and Purple uniforms! And so this pizza flies the flag for that beautiful colour combination!

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

250g mascarpone cheese
2x red onion
2 handfuls of chopped, dried apricots
2 chicken breasts, cut into chunks
Drizzling of honey

  1. When the bases have finished proving in the oven, remove them and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  2. Start by slicing the red onion and frying with the chicken chunks.
  3. Spread over the mascarpone cheese, and top with the fried onion and chicken.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle over the dried apricots and drizzle over a generous helping of honey.
  6. Buon appetito!

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