Friday 30 September 2016

Turkish-Inspired Pizza

You’ll remember how much of a fan I am of pesto - well earlier this week, I found myself with a small amount of left over pine nuts in the cupboard. I’m massively against foodwaste and so I thought I would use it as an opportunity to create a new pizza topping! I had vague recollections of a take on a Turkish salad recipe I had seen online which got me thinking… and below is the fruits of my labour.

To make the bases for this pizza, please click here.

6 tbsp tomato purée
1 red onion
2 handfuls pine nuts
100g feta cheese
Sprinkling of ground cinnamon
Drizzling of honey

1.      When the bases have finished proving, turn the oven up to 210°C.
2.      Chop up your red onion before briefly frying in a saucepan.
3.      Spread your tomato purée, followed by your onion, over your bases.
4.      Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
5.      Add the pine nuts, followed by crumbled feta cheese.
6.      To finish, add a generous helping of cinnamon and honey.
7.      Serve immediately and buon appetito! 

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