Wednesday 19 April 2017

“I’m getting married in the morning!...”

The title of this pizza says it all really... I’M GETTING MARRIED! :D (can you tell I’m excited?!) Come 29th April at 7.30pm at The Roman Baths in Bath, I’ll be saying my vows J I wanted to mark this occasion in the only way I know how – with a pizza recipe! Deciding exactly what to put on it was a challenge though – do I somehow recreate our three-tier wedding cake? What about the free-flowing prosecco at the reception? And don’t get me started on our sumptuous wedding breakfast J In the end, I decided to do a bit of a mash-up of our main course. Whilst the meat eaters get to tuck into some pork with apple cider sauce (a dish that is quintessentially Simon!), the veggies get to enjoy roasted red pepper and courgette tart with pesto and sundried tomatoes (something that’s right up my street!). So this pizza really is a union of two very different ends of the spectrum – and yet something which really works – is there a more perfect way to epitomise my relationship with Simon?!

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

6 tbsp tomato purée
2 pork loin steaks
Drizzling of pesto (the recipe for homemade pesto can be found here)
Handful of cherry tomatoes, halved

  1. When the bases have finished proving, remove from the oven and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  2. Cook the pork according to the instructions.
  3. Meanwhile, spread the tomato purée over the bases.
  4. When the pork is cooked through, spread over some of the pesto and chop up into bitesize chunks before adding to the pizzas.
  5. Sprinkle over the cherry tomatoes and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  6. Buon appetito!

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