Friday 12 August 2016

Halloween-Inspired Pizza

OK, so Halloween is still a couple of months away but I was looking through some photos I’d taken on my phone and came across one of my fiancé carving out his first ever pumpkin (deprived childhood – I know)! So this got me thinking about recipes for my next pizza and I came up with this one – not pumpkin-based, but butternut squash is always a pretty good substitute!


To make the base for this pizza, please click here.


500g butternut squash
400g ricotta cheese
2 handfuls pecans, roughly chopped
Sprinkling of sage to top it all off

1.      This is a very easy pizza to make – all the prep that’s needed is a careful (and I do mean careful) chopping up of the butternut squash. I love the flavour of them but they’re just so tough to cut into I’m quite often put off buying them. For this recipe though, the perseverance is well worth the effort – the smaller the pieces, the better!
2.      When the bases have finished proving, take them out of the oven and turn the heat up to 210°C.
3.      Spread the ricotta over the bases and add your diced butternut squash with a generous sprinkling of sage.
4.      Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
5.      Once baked, add the chopped nuts – I find pecans tend to burn very easily in the oven so I’ve learnt to always add them when all the cooking has been done!
6.      Buon appetito!

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