Thursday 9 June 2016

Sausage, Cabbage and Apple Pizza

Unlike my other pizza recipes which all have a little bit of a back story, this one came about a bit more off the cuff as it were. It was mid-week and I was struggling to come up with a pizza topping for Saturday. So I decided to just sit down, put pen to paper, and write down a list of random ingredients I liked, or hadn’t had for a while… and below is the result. I hope you find it to be at least semi-successful!

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

4 sausages
140g cabbage
2 apples
525g sweet potato
1 red onion
2 handfuls walnuts
125g camembert

  1. While the dough is proving in the oven, the topping can be prepared.
  2. For the base, I’ve found mashed sweet potato to be a great alternative to the generic tomato purée. To do this, peel and chop the potatoes and then boil until tender. Drain and crush using a potato masher and put to one side.
  3. Next, fry the sausages according to their cooking instructions and leave to cool.
  4. Shred the cabbage and chop the onion. These can be fried together – saves on the washing up!
  5. By now, the sausages could be cool enough to handle so cut these into chunks.
  6. Grate the apples and roughly the walnuts.
  7. When the bases have finished proving, take them out the oven and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  8. Spread the mashed sweet potato and evenly distribute the fried cabbage and onion.
  9. Next, top with the grated apple and sausage chunks.
  10. Sprinkle over the walnut pieces and dot over pieces of camembert.
  11. Bake for 10 minutes.
  12. Buon appetito!

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