Friday 25 November 2016

A comforting pizza for Autumnal evenings...

If you say the word ‘autumn’, what images spring to mind? Perhaps the changing colours of leaves, cosy evenings inside – perhaps even Halloween? For me though, it has to be memories of picking blackberries with my dad. It became somewhat a tradition. There was a lovely little spot we used to go to where blackberries grew in abundance. On a Sunday we’d fill our boots (metaphorically of course) and take our efforts home to mum who would use them to make my favourite dessert – a traditional crumble! Such an important part of my childhood needed to be remembered and so this recipe is homage to those very special Sundays I shared with my parents.

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

150g blackberries
170g minced beef
100g cheddar cheese
Sprinkling of rosemary

  1. When the bases have finished proving, take them out the oven and turn the heat up to 210°C.
  2. Whilst the oven is warming up, the topping can be prepared. First, blitz the blackberries using a liquidiser and then fry the mince until brown.
  3. Spread your blackberry purée onto the bases and top with the mince.
  4. Grate over the cheddar cheese, followed by a sprinkling of rosemary.
  5. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
  6. Buon appetito!

Saturday 19 November 2016

“Well that’s just peachy!”

As I come up with more and more recipes for this blog, I have discovered a lot about my style of cooking and the ingredients to which I tend to gravitate. I’m definitely one for experimenting – I don’t like to be stifled by the rigidity and rules of a recipe (hypocrite you might say considering the nature of these posts!) Where’s the fun in not knowing exactly how a dish might turn out?! I’m also a fan of Mediterranean flavours, as well as combining unusual food together to create something unexpected. So this recipe could be considered typical of me and the food I like to cook – enjoy.

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

140g cream cheese
1x 410g can of peach slices
75g wafer thin ham
2 handfuls of pistachio nuts
Generous drizzling of honey

  1. When the bases have finished proving and you've taken them out, turn the oven to 210°C.
  2. As with some of my other bakes, I prefer to eat this one cold - however, if you do want to eat it hot, it can always go in the microwave for a couple of minutes before serving. So, when the oven has reached the required temperature, bake the bases for 10 minutes without any toppings. Remove and leave to cool down.
  3. Spread over the cream cheese and dot over your peach slices.
  4. Tear the ham into strips - for that more rustic look! - and add this as well.
  5. Sprinkle over your pistachio nuts and finish off with a generous helping of honey.
  6. Buon appetito!

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Sophisticated Strawberries

This is a combination I’ve wanted to try out for ages! Ever since I saw a contestant on ‘Masterchef’ produce a dessert incorporating strawberries and basil in a sorbet, I can’t deny I’ve been intrigued. I mean; I love strawberries, and I love basil – but do the two really work together?! Well folks, I can – with first-hand experience – categorically say that they do! It’s like a match made in heaven. And when you combine them with some balsamic, you get a recipe worthy of a pizza blog post!

To make the base for this pizza, please click here.

140g cream cheese
420g can of strawberries
Balsamic vinegar
Handful basil leaves

  1. When the bases have finished proving and you’ve taken them out, turn the oven to 210°C.
  2. This pizza recipe is slightly different from most of my other ones as I’ve found that with the toppings I’m using, it’s actually better cold. When the oven has reached the required temperature, bake the bases (with no topping) for 10 minutes.
  3. This leaves enough time to marinate the strawberries in the balsamic vinegar. Drain away any syrup that may have been accompanying the strawberries and put them in a bowl. Pour over the balsamic vinegar so that the strawberries are nicely covered.
  4. When the bases have been baked, remove from the oven and leave to cool.
  5. Meanwhile, chop your basil and mix it into the cream cheese – this can then be spread over the bases.
  6. Drain and half the strawberries, then dot around on the top.
  7. Buon appetito!